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At AYCM Qatar, we believe that participating in an internship is an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on work experience. Unfortunately, internships offered through a number of organizations often come at a price, whether monetary or otherwise. To re-enforce our commitment to providing equal access to such opportunities.


AYCMQ's EIP offers several benefits to offset or eliminate many common costs of taking part in an internship.

  • What is the fee to apply for an internship?
    There are NO fees to apply for or participate in EIP.
  • Is there any stipends offered for the programme?
    All EIP internship positions are not paid (Based on the Funds available) Free professional development activities are offered throughout the course of the programme.
  • How to apply for an internship?
    The application process is two steps. You will first submit your resume and letter of interest to the AYCMQ committee via email. Currently, have few positions available for applicants.
  • What should be mentioned in the letter?
    The letter to the EIP committee should explain: 1) Why you are interested in the programme. 2) Your preferred topic. 3) What skills you hope to develop during the programme. 4) How you intend to use your experience in the programme to improve your community.
  • What is the interview process like?
    Candidates selected will participate in a brief interview with AYCMQ staff. The interview will be conducted in person or via Skype. Candidates should set aside 30-40 minutes for the interview.
  • Where to send the applications?
    Send all EIP applications to
  • What is an FAQ section?
    An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.


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AYCMQA LLC (G) is a non-profit association registered under Qatar Financial Center (QFC No. 00683). Copyright ©2023, All rights reserved.

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